La nozione di ager privatus nella libera res publica e nella costruzione giuridico-istituzionale del circolo scipionico

Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Sacchi, Osvaldo (Author)
Format: Article
Published: Praha : Karolinum, 2020
Online Access:Digitalizovaný dokument
Related Items:Contained in: Právněhistorické studie 50 (2), 2020
Item Description:This article concerns at first the notion of ager privatus qualified as possession (a subtraction from a whole: the ager publicus populi Romani) and not as property as the dominium ex iure Quiritium. The influence of the stoic philosophical thought of the media stoa played a fundamental role in the process of transforming the possession of the ager publicus into a quiritary dominium. Infact, the activity of the participants in the scipionic circle was perhaps a further step in the complex reconstruction of the long and arduous process that sanctioned the transition in Roman law from the possessio of ager publicus to the dominium ex iure Quiritium.
Physical Description:s. 51-65