Levitas animi a imbecillitas, infirmitas či fragilitas sexus jakožto důvod odlišného postavení žen

Podrobná bibliografie
Hlavní autor: Černoch, Radek (Autor)
Médium: Článek
Vydáno: Praha : Karolinum, 2022
On-line přístup:Digitalizovaný dokument
Příbuzné jednotky:Obsaženo v: Právněhistorické studie 52 (3), 2022
Popis jednotky:Position of women in Roman law differs in various aspects. Reasons for such differences are often traditional; in some cases, they can be regarded as manifestation of sometimes exaggerated protectionism or paternalism, which could be regarded as unlawful discrimination. The aim of this paper is to analyse the terminology which sources of law use to refer to the position of women.
Fyzický popis:s. 25-33