The False Charge – A Form of Violence?

Podrobná bibliografie
Hlavní autor: Loska, Elżbieta (Autor)
Médium: Článek
Vydáno: Praha : Karolinum, 2020
On-line přístup:Digitalizovaný dokument
Příbuzné jednotky:Obsaženo v: Právněhistorické studie 50 (1), 2020
Popis jednotky:Laws in ancient Rome concerning the use of vis stated what was considered violence and how it was penalized. The most interesting among them were the lex Cornelia de sicariis et veneficis and two Augustan laws: the lex Iulia de vi publica and the lex Iulia de vi privata. They allow to assume that violence was possible also during the trial, and not only as a physical emanation of force.
Fyzický popis:s. 37-46