Vztah mezi římským a kanonickým právem ve středověku a papežská konstituce Super speculam. Několik stručných poznámek k rozsáhlé problematice

Podrobná bibliografie
Hlavní autor: Černý, Miroslav (Autor)
Médium: Článek
Vydáno: Praha : Karolinum, 2016
On-line přístup:Digitalizovaný dokument
Příbuzné jednotky:Obsaženo v: Právněhistorické studie 46 (2), 2016
Popis jednotky:The paper deals with the constitution of Pope Honorius III. Super speculam (issued on November 22, 1219) in which Pope among other things, forbade the study of Roman law in Paris and surrounding areas. In the past this papal document was sometimes misinterpreted as the evidence of the resistance of the Church against the study of Roman law in general. This paper focuses on the broader historical context of the above-mentioned constitution and proves that the intention of the Pope was not weakening the importance of Roman law, that was on the contrary very useful for the Church as the part of ius utrumque. The only intention of the Pope was to preserve Paris as the centre of theological studies, that the Church considered more needed, and in particular to ensure that the members of the clergy were not distracted from the study of the sacred sciences.
Fyzický popis:s. 25-34